The Infamous Group

Sodinokibi is just another data-stealing malware that infects users via malicious links and spreads throughout the network, rapidly. Analysts feel Sodinokibi be an evolution of GandCrab, an infamous group that’s responsible for around 40% ransomware attacks in 2018-19. The group’s recently active of hacking NYC airport, Travelex and also leaking data of a company that failed to pay a ransom in time. While there’s no official statement from the Temple yet, BleepingComputer has overlooked onto an email sent by the victim to its congregation regarding the issue and reported the breach. As it said, the Temple has realised a breach on January 9th this year which led systems and the whole network to be encrypted. It reported that the staff had trouble in connecting to the internet, and after checking with servers, they confirmed the whole network was encrypted. Further, the temple reported that they had the data backed up in mechanical drives, but they’re breached too!

Backups Were Breached Too

BleepingComputer’s peeked into Temple’s letter said, It further reported that an incident familiar person told BleepingComputer the ransom amount is around $500,000! This led Temple to try contacting the congregation members to rearrange to breached data, thus evading the ransom. Temple stated that Source – BleepingComputer

Sodinokibi Ransomware Encrypted Har Shalom Temple s Entire Network - 83Sodinokibi Ransomware Encrypted Har Shalom Temple s Entire Network - 73